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Term Definition
The part of the installation activity that takes an element from being afloat to sitting on the bed
Underground, beneath the surface
Subsurface / Underground planning
Planning activity aiming to divide subsurface for human activities according to the ecological, economical and technical point of view
Subsurface mapping
Mapping of subsurface spaces (results of underground human activities) from the various point of view (location, dimensions, geological conditions, environmental impact, actual technical state, reusing possibilities, etc.)
A underground pedestrian tunnel beneath a street. A metro system
Sumps (reservoirs) are provided at the portals and at low points (nadirs) to contain quantities of run-off and leakage water compatible with storage requirements of the pumps provided. Oil-water separators are usually required, and sumps within a tunnel most often discharge to portal sumps.
Suspended Slab
Slab provided to span across a cell above a space, such as ceiling and roadway slabs when ventilation ducts above or below the roadway are used.
Sustainable development
The type of overall development (economic, social, energetic, environmental, etc.) which makes it possible to meet the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing those of the future generations.
An increase in rock volume when it passes from the intact to the broken state
Increase in volume upon exposure to water
Swelling ground
Material that expands in volume by absorbing or adsorbing water so that it tends to move into a tunnel opening or to exert great pressure upon the supports.
Swing shift
Shift that extends from 4:00 pm to midnight. See day shift.