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Term Definition
Options / Alternatives
Different solutions which meet the same objectives
Out-of-pocket costs
Costs directly affecting the person considered
Away from the working face toward the shaft or portal.
See Fitting Out
Excavation that occurs outside of the "B" line of a tunnel owing to the irregular pattern of rock breakage; the definition also describes concrete required to fill this overexcavated space in lined tunnels.
Essentially the same as cover, the total depth of soil and/or rock overlying the tunnel crown. Distinguished from another common definition as the mantle of soil or loose material overlying bed rock.
A structure including its approaches which allows one road to pass above another road (or an obstacle)
A company, agency or person controlling a system, facility or object.
Pack or packer
A wooden or more usually steel plate, but occasionally a concrete block used to fill a gap. In grouting, a packer is inserted and expanded to seal the hole for injecting grout only below the level of packer e.g. "tube � manchette" a special type of packer.
Any material used to fill the void between support members and the rock
The use of sheet metal to divert inflows of water from working areas so that concrete can be placed against a drier surface.
A parking / transportation system providing remote parking and mass transit service to a destination
Parking ramp
A multi-level parking structure with access ramps for cars to reach each level
Tiny, physical objects in the air of any kind, e.g. dust. High levels can represent a form of air pollution
Companies, agencies or people who are affected by an issue or who seek resolution of an issue
Distribution of stream of materials over the receiving surface during shotcreting. A layer of shotcrete is built up by making several passes
A user, but not an operator, of a transit system or vehicle
In U.K. usage, the pedestrian movement area at the edge of a street. In U.S. usage, the carriageway area itself and/or its structural makeup
Pay line
The line, or tunnel section, which constitutes limits of payment for excavation and concrete lining. Overbreak is any excavation beyond the pay line, and overrun is any excess concrete placed beyond the pay line. May also be referred to as the "B" line.
Pay line
The line or tunnel section which constitues limits of payment for excavation and concrete lining. Overbreak is any excavation beyond the pay line, and overrun is any excess concrete placed beyond the pay line.